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2024 NYS Championships - THANK YOU!


We sure had a lot of fun in Binghamton this year. Now that important paperwork has been processed and the chalk dust has more than settled, we can sit and reflect back on that amazing weekend. We saw so much outstanding lifting, high-level coaching, and an overwhelming amount of support from volunteers. New York really came together to make the 2024 State Championships special and there are so many individuals the WSO is thankful to have in our weightlifting community.

Erica Caso celebrating with one of her athletes after a good lift.

Photo Courtesy of Julie Rodriguez.

Athletes and Coaches

Thank you to all the athletes and coaches who supported the NYS Championships. Many of you have been with us year after year and for others this was your first time. It was so much fun watching you all battle for podium spots, put PR lifts on the bar, and break records—in many instances by a kilo. The level of coaching and lifting has certainly risen in our community and it was an awesome sight to witness.

We saw camaraderie amongst coaches and athletes along with a healthy dose of competitiveness at the marshals table with calculated moves and between lifters. We all felt the excitement of the battles on the competition platform and the busyness of the warm-up room. Together we created an atmosphere that will be difficult to match or exceed, but we’re certainly up for the challenge.

Each of you are the reason we push ourselves to improve the event experience, to provide opportunities, and to celebrate weightlifting in New York. Thank you, again, for your support of this event.


Technical Officials and Volunteers

As the meet director and competition secretary, I (James McDermott) wore many hats at this year’s event. But I wouldn’t have been able to fulfill my roles without the many helping hands supporting me before, during, and after the event.

Our technical officials and volunteers are truly special people who generously donated their time and energy to make the vision of this year’s meet a reality. They cannot be thanked enough so I’d like to shine a spotlight on who those individuals sitting in the chair taking attempts changes, refereeing, announcing, loading, and working behind the scenes were.

Marlin had a great time working at the marshal table!

Photo Courtesy of Beth Terranova.

Marshals: Beth Terranova, Travis Tirado, Marlin, Daniel Stein-Bassallo, Julia Falamas, Lauren Liotta, Steven Kraft, Fen Dunn, Rachel Dywer, Sam Axten, Jessie Allen, Erica Caso, and Sara Contente.


Referees: Haley Maisonet, Dan Boland, Sara Contente, Jerry Dunne, Fen Dunn, Jeff Scott, Jean Raymond Fakhoury, Steven Kraft, Brian DeGennaro, Victoria Ferreira, Julia Falamas, Shaaf Syed, Brett Andrus, Rachel Dwyer, Alyssa Garrison, Chris Smith, Lauren Liotta, and Mary Storch.

Speakers: Jerry Dunne, Jeff Scott, Brett Andrus, Joe Rodriguez, Rachel Dwyer, and Sara Contente.

Shaaf Syed and Steven Boerner loading.

Photo Courtesy of Julie Rodriguez.

Loaders: Andi Lange, Andrew Hagar, Erica Caso, Jennifer Wieland, Emily Miccio, Vanessa Aguilar, Shaaf Syed, Steven Boerner, Tom Smalley, Lauren Liotta, Daniel Stein-Bassallo, Jessie Allen, Haley Maisonet, Claire Ryan-Hagar, Jeff Fair, Keron Lewis, Shawna Khuu, Grace Wang, and Jennifer Howell-Clark.

Weigh-In: Sara Contente, Erica Caso, Fen Dunn, Joelle Von Bischoffshausen, Jessie Allen, Sara Soto, Steven Kraft, Jerry Dunne, Brett Andrus, Jim Storch, Joe Rodriguez, Jeff Scott, Shaaf Syed, and Owen Putnam.

Keron Lewis and Jeff Scott unloading wood Friday evening.

Photo Courtesy of Joe Rodriguez.

Set-Up & Breakdown: James McDermott, Haley Maisonet, Shaaf Syed, Miguel Porter, Jennifer Howell-Clark, Alex Isin, Daniel Stein-Bassallo, Frank Ford, Andrew Hagar, Claire Ryan-Hagar, Ignacio Acevedo, Staci Stadler, Cindy Papaleo, Tony Papaleo, Jeff Scott, Chris Smith, Jerry Dunne, Joe Rodriguez, Joelle Von Bischoffshausen, Keron Lewis, Alyssa Garrison, Sam Axten, Erica Caso, Sara Contente, Sara Soto, Jim Storch, Mary Storch, Jean Raymond Fakhoury, Brett Andrus, and Dan Boland. If you’ve been left off the list, please let me know! We did the best we could to remember them all.

A bonus shout out goes to Sara Contente and Steven Kraft. These two wonderful individuals are members of another WSO, but traveled 5 hours to come help. On Friday, Sara helped with set-up until nearly midnight. Each day of the competition Sara and Steven worked every single session and were on the event floor from nearly 6:00 am to the conclusion of lifting. Weigh-ins, refereeing, marshalling, speaking, paperwork – they helped with it all. We’re immensely grateful for their help and to have had them both be a part of the event.

While not present at the event, we’d like to thank Scott Gonzalez, the creator of the Blue Owl referee light system, for his support before and throughout the event. Scott was super helpful in troubleshooting issues throughout the competition and helping us to figure what electronics items to purchase before the event. He was very generous with his time and answered MANY questions.

Click here to follow and learn more about Blue Owl.


Livestream: Thank you to Michael Rodriguez of CuppaJoe Broadcasting for running the livestream station. Michael is responsible for all the cool graphics you see displaying instant replays and sponsor information on the stream. His contribution made it possible for friends and family members to tune into the event each day. It was a challenge to run a dual stream, one for each competition platform, but Michael did a fantastic job rising to the occasion.


Photography: Thank you to Julie Rodriguez of JMJ Photos and Justin Barber of Altered State Media for offering photography services to athletes

Click here to follow Julie Rodriguez.

Click here to follow Justin Barber.


Medical Team: It was wonderful to have Katherine Whitman and Dean Lupo on hand to assist athletes before, during, and after their lifting. They are both so talented in their respective fields and we’re so happy to have had them be a part of this year’s event.

Click here to follow Dr. Katherine Whitman.

Click here to follow Dean Lupo, LMT.

Joe Rodriguez sitting on top of all the platform wood, currently in storage.

Photo Courtesy of James McDermott.


Equipment: Frank Ford & SONA Weightlifting outfitted the entire red competition platform and Joe Rodriguez & Cuppa Joe Weightlifting did the same for the blue competition platform. Frank Ford and Joe Rodriquez also supplied several plate sets and barbells for the competition platform. James McDermot & Albany CrossFit Barbell Club, Sam Axten & Aevitas Weightlifting, Chris Smith & Long Island Weightlifting, Jerry Dunne, Jim Storch, Bryant Illenberg and Amiee Lazar & Gryphon Strength Barbell, and Chad Lanier & Marley Barbell Club all provided equipment for the warm-up room.

Erica Caso provided speakers and the tunes throughout the meet. Chris Smith and Joe Rodriguez brough speaker and microphones.

Keron Lewis let the WSO use his truck and trailer to transport a majority of the wood and some equipment from Poughkeepsie, NY.

The Board: Thank you to Alyssa Garrison, Brian DeGennaro, Chris Smith, Erica Caso, Frank Ford, Michelle Woogen, Joe Rodriguez, and Julia Falamas for contributions to and support of logistical planning, discussion, and debate in meetings and countless emails since October 2023 to work on this year’s event.

Sara Soto and James McDermott working behind the scenes in the command center.

Photo Courtesy of Julie Rodriguez.


Every single volunteer listed cannot be thanked enough for their contributions toward making this year’s event truly special. You’ll notice that many performed multiple roles throughout the weekend and some even lifted in the competition. It goes without saying how much love they all have for our sport and we’re so grateful to have them be a part of the New York Weightlifting Community.


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