Photo Courtesy of Viviana Podhaiski.
Technical Officials Directory
So many individuals come together to fill different roles in order to make a weightlifting meet successful. The competition starts with a loaded barbell waiting patiently at the center of a wooden platform. The speaker announces the weight, the athlete, and that the clock has started into the microphone – continuing to do so for each subsequent attempt, keeping the flow of the competition steady. Marshals manage the paperwork at the table, logging attempt changes from coaches, and the timekeeper starts and stops the clock when necessary. Loaders scramble to the platform between attempts, accurately and efficiently preparing the barbell for the next attempt. After weighing in athletes two hours before the first lift, referees acknowledge good lifts with white lights or turn down poor lifts with red lights. The meet director oversees all and offers support where needed.
All of these volunteers work together in a harmony that produces a standard of fair play for all in attendance and a good experience for athletes. The generosity of individuals who donate their time to events is what provides athletes with opportunities to break records, qualify for the next level of competition, and even make national or international teams. Simply put, volunteers are the lifeblood of any weightlifting competition.
The New York WSO has a rich history of volunteerism, promoting technical official education, and officiating with integrity. Volunteers are always needed at weightlifting meets. We encourage all members of our organization to get involved behind the scenes at local competitions and beyond.
How Can You Get Involved?
1. Contact meet directors and offer to help. Any help is greatly appreciated if you’re already a Local (WSO) Referee or higher, are interested in loading a session or two, or are available for event set up and break down. You can find a listing of upcoming NY WSO events and meet director contact information by clicking here.
2. If you’re not already a Local (WSO) Referee you can get started by following these steps:
Take the Referee Clinic online by clicking here or attend a referee clinic in person.
Click here to log into your USA Weightlifting Learning Academy account or to create one to take the exam.
Once you’re logged in, on the homepage, scroll down and select the “USAW Referee Course.”
Take and pass the exam!
Contact a meet director to inquire about volunteering!
Technical Officials
Weightlifting referees are classified into four categories:
International Weightlifting Federation Category 1 International Technical Official
International Weightlifting Federation Category 2 International Technical Official.
USA Weightlifting National Referee.
Local (WSO) Referee.
We encourage meet directors to seek out the highest level of officiating possible by contacting IWF Cat 1 & 2 and USAW National Referees first. A good strategy would be to email these individuals a month or two in advance of the event, give them a few weeks, and then email all listed referees.
Below is a listing of all individuals within our organization who are credentialed to officiate at a local competition. Also listed is the information on how to reach each level of officiating should one be interested in leveling up.
International Weightlifting Federation
Category 1 International Technical Official
Officiate at all local USAW sanctioned events, international tournaments, regional games, and continental championships, World Championships, and the Olympic Games.
To become a IWF Cat 1 ITO, one must:
Be a current USAW member in good standing.
Minimum of two years as an IWF Category 2 Technical Official.
Within the 24 calendar months to the application, the applicant must have officiated at a minimum of 8 total competitions, 4 of which must be USAW national competitions.
Submit a USAW Referee Test Application to take the IWF Category 1 written and practical tests.
Attend the online candidate rules seminar and pass the written test with a minimum score of 90%.
Attend a USAW national event for the practical test and pass with a minimum score of 95%.
USA Weightlifting background check in good standing.
USA Weightlifting SafeSport education in good standing.
Upon successful completion of the above:
The applicant must provide payment for the cost of an IWF Category 1 ITO License to USAW. USAW will forward this payment to the IWF and obtain an IWF Category 1 ITO License for the successful applicant. An IWF ITO License must be renewed with the IWF every Olympic period (four years).
IWF Cat 1 Technical Officials | Email Address |
Arthur Dreschsler | lifttech@earthlink.net |
Gerard Dunne | jerry.dunne@dunnelaw.net |
Joseph Triolo | joet111@me.com |
Kurt Roderick | kurtrod@gmail.com |
Mark Solomon | w8lifting@aol.com |
Sara Soto | truebeliever@mac.com |

Photo Courtesy of Viviana Podhaiski.
International Weightlifting Federation
Category 2 International Technical Official
May officiate at all local USAW sanctioned events, international tournaments, regional games, and continental championships.
To become a IWF Cat 2 ITO, one must:
Be a current member of USAW in good standing.
Minimum of 5 years total experience as a referee, including at least 36 months at National Referee ranking.
Within the 24 months prior to application, officiate at a minimum of 12 total competitions, 8 of which must be USAW national competitions.
Submit a USAW Referee Test Application to take the IWF Category 2 written and practical tests.
Attend the online candidate rules seminar and pass the written test with a minimum score of 85%.
Attend a USAW national event for the practical test and pass with a minimum score of 90%.
USA Weightlifting background check in good standing.
USA Weightlifting SafeSport education in good standing.
Upon successful completion of the above:
The applicant must provide the payment for the cost of an IWF Category 2 ITO License to USAW. See the IWF rules for the current cost of an IWF Category 2 ITO License. USAW will forward this payment to the IWF; and obtain an IWF Category 2 ITO License for the successful applicant.
IWF Cat 2 Technical Officials | Email Address |
Christopher Smith | longislandweightlifting@gmail.com |
Erin Martin | erintmartin80@gmail.com |
Joe Rodriguez | joe@cuppajoeweightlifting.com |
USA Weightlifting National Referee
May referee at any USA Weightlifting sanctioned local competition and all USAW national competitions.
To become a National referee, one must:
Submit an USAW Referee Test Application to take the written and practical examinations.
Attend the online candidate rules seminar and pass the written test with a minimum score of 85%.
Attend a USAW national event for the practical test and pass with a minimum score of 90%.
USA Weightlifting background check in good standing.
USA Weightlifting SafeSport education in good standing
Upon successful completion of the above:
The National Office will issue a USA Weightlifting National Referee license and USA Weightlifting National Referee patch to the successful applicant. Other than USAW membership renewal, there are no costs or fees associated with becoming a USA Weightlifting National Referee. A USAW National Referee license remains valid as long as the holder maintains a current USAW membership.
USAW National Referees | Email Addresses |
Beth Terranova | bethnterranova@gmail.com |
Daniel Boland | bolandco90@gmail.com |
David Benson | benson.david@gmail.com |
David Fleming | coachdavefleming@gmail.com |
Dena Smith | mamabeansdk@aol.com |
Frank Mintz | frankmintz@yahoo.com |
Ginelle Wynter | Iesha14@hotmail.com |
Jeffrey Scott | jascott59@yahoo.com |
Joanne Dreschsler | Jodgirl@earthlink.net |
Julia Falamas | jfalamas@gmail.com |
Melissa Molnar | peachdvle@yahoo.com |
Tessandra Sage | tessandra.anne@gmail.com |

Photo Courtesy of Viviana Podhaiski.
Local (WSO) Referee
May referee at any USA Weightlifting sanctioned local competition and when (specified), USAW national competitions.
To become a Local referee, one must:
Be a current USA Weightlifting member, 18 years or older.
Take the U.S. Center for SafeSport training and be in good standing.
Other than the cost of USAW membership renewal, there are no costs or fees associated with becoming a USA Weightlifting Local (WSO) referee. A USAW Local Referee license remains valid as long as the holder remains a current USAW member.
Local (WSO) Referees | Email Addresses |
Adam Sagun | adsagun86@gmail.com |
Adanze Asante | dcbowens00@gmail.com |
Adriana Ancilleri | Aancilleri2@gmail.com |
Albert Chun | albert.s.chun@gmail.com |
Alice Liu | alicelydialiu@gmail.com |
Alicia DiSpaltro | awiseman17@gmail.com |
Allison DeWald | allie.dewald@gmail.com |
Alyssa Garrison | Alyssagarrison97@gmail.com |
Amanda Cann | amanda.cann@gmail.com |
Ambrose Serrano | ambroseserrano@gmail.com |
Amiee Lazar | xoamiee27@hotmail.com |
Andrew Coppola | bear.abearica@gmail.com |
Andrew Vasilatos | Andyv810@aol.com |
Anna Hill | aite12321@gmail.com |
Anna Oberkircher | Oberkircher.a@gmail.com |
Anthony Gerasia | anthonykilo@gmail.com |
Arianna Injeian | adelph1234@gmail.com |
Ashley Gold | ashley.gold83@gmail.com |
Benjamin Quachtran | ben.quachtran94@gmail.com |
Brandi Eustice | brandieustice@gmail.com |
Brennen Colwell | BAColwell@gmail.com |
Brett Andrus | brettandrus826@gmail.com |
Brian DeGennaro | bjdegennaro@gmail.com |
Brooke Shinski | bshinski30@gmail.com |
Bryan Jow | ImmortalH@gmail.com |
Bryant Illenberg | Bryant@gryphonstrength.com |
Calder Hannan | hannan.cal@gmail.com |
Carl Nelson | carl@carlrnelson.com |
Chad Weeden | theonlyone@gmail.com |
Chelsea Pietrzykowski | pietrz.cp@gmail.com |
Chris Harris | chrisharris8625@gmail.com |
Christian Tsakanikas | christian.tsakanikas@gmail.com |
Daiana Sismael Onuz | daianasismael@gmail.com |
Daniel Casey | dcasey107@hotmail.com |
Daniel Greco | dgrecofit@gmail.com |
Daniel Smith | dansmithcpa@gmail.com |
Deshawn Fairbairn | djf341@nyu.edu |
Donald Nussbaum | dnusslaw@nyc.rr.com |
Drew Nelson | dnelson5470@gmail.com |
Emily Patka | Emily.g.patka@gmail.com |
Eric Ryck | ejryck@gmail.com |
Erica Caso | Erica.caso91@gmail.com |
Eunsoo Han | euns02@gmail.com |
Fen Dunn | ameliakdunn@gmail.com |
Frank Ford | fordf86@gmail.com |
Gayge Maggio | gaygemaggio@gmail.com |
Gerard Finn | gerryfinn56@gmail.com |
Gwendolyn Debly | gdougherty26@gmail.com |
Haley Maisonet | hhahn125@gmail.com |
Helen Coggin | helen.coggin@gmail.com |
Ian Matlak | imatlak03@gmail.com |
Ireneusz (Ike) Tomaszewski | i_tomaszewski@hotmail.com |
Israel Gonzalez | coachiz@crossfit718.com |
Ivan Duncan | iwduncan357@gmail.com |
James (Jim) Storch | jpcrete@yahoo.com |
James Battaglia | jamiebattaglia32@gmail.com |
James Lewis | amplivolt92@gmail.com |
James Malone | jmalonestrength@gmail.com |
James McDermott | james.amcd@yahoo.com |
Jamie Swagler | jswagler@swaglerstrength.com |
Jared Scott | jscott83medical@hotmail.com |
Jason Giles | jason.giles@ironmonkeystrength.com |
Jean Laguerre | Jeanlaguerre90@gmail.com |
Jean Raymond Fakhoury | jeanfakhoury@gmail.com |
Jennifer Howell-Clark | jenniferhowellclark@gmail.com |
Jennifer Portillo | jypm926@gmail.com |
Jenny Ordon | jenny.ordon@gmail.com |
Jessica Vanderbeek | jmvandbeek@gmail.com |
Joe Floria | mail@crossfitnine7.com |
Joelle Von Bischoffshausen | Joellevonb@yahoo.com |
John Rivero | jjrivero@syr.edu |
Josue Castaneda Pisano | TerryJosueNy@gmail.com |
Juan Blanco | blanco@brooklyntraininghall.com |
Julia Key | julia.b.key@gmail.com |
Juliana Riotto | julianariotto1@gmail.com |
Juliann Poserio | juliannposerio9@gmail.com |
Katherine Hejtmanek | Maxesandprs@gmail.com |
Kathleen Porter | kkatabus@aol.com |
Katy Cook | cook.katy@ymail.com |
Kay Cee Miller | kc@no-limits.me |
Kelsey McCormack | kelseymccormack1122@gmail.com |
Kevin Lee | info@mindfulintensityfit.com |
Kevin Ostrander | kdostrander@gmail.com |
Kyrsten Carlson | kyrstenfeb11@gmail.com |
Lauren Kline | lkline360@gmail.com |
Laurie Arias | lauriearias@hotmail.com |
Lawrence Mintz | themintz81@gmail.com |
Lisa Yang | lisayangllc@gmail.com |
Mark Lado | mark_lado@yahoo.com |
Mark Louros | MTLouros@gmail.com |
Mark Ongeyberg | loramark00@yahoo.com |
Mary Storch | thatswhy77@hotmail.com |
Matthew Andrade | mattandrws@gmail.com |
Matthew Flaherty | matthew.flaherty1369@gmail.com |
Matthew Veronica | mveronicapt@gmail.com |
Michael Castaldy | mikecastaldy@gmail.com |
Michael Gorniak | mgorniak01@gmail.com |
Michael Law | tcmlaw@gmail.com |
Michael Mo | mikgmo@proton.me |
Michelle Woogen | michellewoogen@gmail.com |
Miguel Porter | mporter097@gmail.com |
Mishanda Franklin | mfran70@gmail.com |
Morgan Beattie | mbeattiee@gmail.com |
Motier Haskins | motierhaskins@gmail.com |
Muhammad Begaliev | mbegaliev92@gmail.com |
Ned Norton | warriorsonwheels@yahoo.com |
Owen Putnam | putmowen@gmail.com |
Paul Steinman | paulie@southbrooklynwc.com |
Peter Nickless | drpnickless@yahoo.com |
Quan Yoon | Quan.Yoon@gmail.com |
Quinton Huguley | qmhuguley@gmail.com |
Rachel Berkowitz | Brkwtzr@gmail.com |
Rachel Roller | reroller819@msn.com |
Rae Shih | raeshih@gmail.com |
Reginald Lominy | reginaldlominy@gmail.com |
Renée Mihail | renee.mihail@gmail.com |
Richard Curran | rcurran7499@gmail.com |
Richard Ignizio | ignizio@mac.com |
Richard Seibert | drrseibert@aol.com |
Robert Marvald | rm794@yahoo.com |
Robert Santoro | rlsantoro4@gmail.com |
Ross Twanmoh | ross.twanmoh@gmail.com |
Ryan Hansen | ryan@crossfitwarwick.com |
Ryan Laughlin | Ryan.laughlin@outlook.com |
Ryan Walsh | walshryan322@gmail.com |
Salma Nakhlawi | salmanakhlawi@gmail.com |
Samantha Orme | sam@brooklynbarbell.com |
Samuel Anderson | Smanders2022@gmail.com |
Samuel Axten | samuel.axten@gmail.com |
Sayvanna SFabian | sayvanna.fabian@gmail.com |
Scott Schuster | schuster_scott@yahoo.com |
Sean Jannicelli-Broda | sbroda94@gmail.com |
Shaaf Syed | arzoosyed6@gmail.com |
Shannon Dias | shanndias@gmail.com |
Sheryl Yacalis | scyacalis@gmail.com |
Sigfredo Rivera | sigfredor@gmail.com |
Sioban Sedney | smg123897@aol.com |
Sosara Ma | sosara_ma@yahoo.com |
Steven Marcus | stema308@gmail.com |
Steven Terry | steven.robert.terry@gmail.com |
Steven Titus | titusbyc@yahoo.com |
Tacora Beasley | tacorabeasley@gmail.com |
Taylor Payne | Tapayne179@gmail.com |
Traci Meier | tracisapple@gmail.com |
Valerie Combs | Valerie_E_Combs@yahoo.com |
Victor Huang | vhuang0402@gmail.com |
Victoria Ferreira | Davick56@yahoo.com |
Vitaly Zvonchuk | vitalyzvonchuk@gmail.com |
Wayne Strong | wstrong862@gmail.com |
Zeena Hernandez | hernandezzeena@gmail.com |